Fireworks and Pyrotechnics: Procurement Trends in 2020
With the reach of winter extended across the country it can be difficult to imagine summertime. However, many government agency purchasers and representatives are already thinking about and releasing procurement opportunities for various spring and summer projects and events. In particular, many cities and counties are hoping to enthrall citizens with amazing holiday firework and pyrotechnic displays on July 4th, Independence Day.
Fireworks on July 4th are the pinnacle of Americana. Cities and counties will always find room in their budgets for such displays. Furthermore, after an election and a campaign season with divisiveness throughout, government agencies around the country are ever more aware that this holiday can be used to bring people together and integrate communities under the glow of one amazing pyrotechnic show.
While fireworks provide entertainment and light up the night sky, they are also quite lucrative. In fact, last year, the town of North Hempstead, New York awarded a $40,000 contract to Pyro Engineering Inc. to provide just a twenty-six minute fireworks display for the city’s annual Independence Day celebration. This year could see even greater contract amounts because bigger budgets allow for brighter fireworks and longer displays. Not to mention, it may create a more frequent need for fireworks and pyrotechnics for other holidays, festivals, and events.
With the stress of the season and better economics nationwide many agencies are hoping to make an impact among people. As July 4th approaches, the government marketplace will become increasingly full of bids and RFPs for fireworks and pyrotechnics. Firms that supply fireworks and pyrotechnics or those that operate the shows and displays will surely find opportunities of interest from FindRFP.
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